Smriti Sagar Ras Tablets, 60 Tablets


Trusted by 56000+ Happy Patients

🌿 It induces calming effect in the mind and body.
🌿 It improves brain power and promotes memory.
🌿 It also enhances intelligence and cognitive functions.
🌿 It soothes the nervous system and stimulates nerve functions.
Smriti Sagar Ras Tablets by Arogyam is an ayurvedic formulation prepared under careful consideration of Ayurveda Sar Sangrah. It is an amalgamation of ancient herbs such as Manashila, Brahmi, Tamra Bhasma, Vacha, Katabi, etc. These herbs work in unison to manage symptoms of epilepsy, memory loss, and neuropathy. It is effective in treating numbness in hands and feet, enhancing memory and cognitive skills. It is an excellent brain stimulant that helps strengthen brain functions.